Construction schedule for remodeling projects

For a remodeling project, the construction schedule is a critical factor. It can impact your planning and the quality of the renovation, as well as the costs.

Gantt chart

Project managers commonly use Gantt charts, a type of bar chart, to illustrate the schedule of a home remodel. It was first developed by Henry Gantt in the early 20th century. The chart displays a horizontal timeline, with each activity as a bar that spans the time of the task. Presenting bars in order is common in Gantt charts, which can include information such as start and end dates, tasks and progress updates. The Gantt chart provides a visual overview of the project’s schedule. Ultimately, it helps project managers to plan, schedule, and track chart progress.

A schedule should provide realistic time estimates and be regularly reviewed and updated as the project progresses. Reviewing and updating the schedule can simplify the project and lower expenses.

  1. Schedule structure

    A Gantt chart approach is typically used to create a construction schedule. It can be helpful to centralize all of your remodeling information in the spreadsheet. Also, include your build schedule.

    You can easily access spreadsheet templates for construction schedules:

    Scheduling project

  2. Time of year for the build

    When reviewing the schedule, you should consider which time of year is best suited for your construction project. For example, is there a particularly rainy or snowy part of the year that will make it difficult to deliver materials? 

  3. Scheduling tasks

    A remodeling project can be a complicated. The construction schedule will lay out all of the critical items and steps that need to be fulfilled, and does so to ensure all of the team members working on the project know what is happening and when.

    A remodeling schedule should outline when each trade should start and end each activity, define material delivery dates, identify critical inspection points, and communicate to each person how their role affects the overall project.